Tooth Extraction

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Tooth Extraction

Unfortunately, sometimes a tooth extraction is necessary because of infection or decay. Your dentist’s main focus is to help save all of your natural teeth, but at times the only other option is to pull a damaged tooth before it causes more harm.

What is a tooth extraction?

When your teeth are extracted, they are removed completely. You will be under anesthesia and you will not feel pain. Before the extraction, a thorough exam of the tooth and surrounding tissues must be made. This way, the extraction process will be simple and smooth.

What are some reasons why a tooth may be extracted?

The decision to extract a tooth is not a light-hearted one, and it is only implemented when there is no other way to save a damaged or diseased tooth. Here are some reasons why your dentist may decide on a tooth extraction:

  • Excessive tooth decay that compromises the health of the tooth and surrounding gums and teeth
  • Abscessed tooth or damaged tooth from trauma
  • Crowded mouth that makes it difficult to fit braces
  • Compromised immune systems with infected teeth
  • Periodontal disease and gum disease

Extraction of wisdom teeth

Do you know that you probably have wisdom teeth at the very back of your mouth? Many people are not aware of these large teeth, but they certainly know that they are there if they become infected. Sometimes, wisdom teeth will need to be removed because of overcrowding. Should your wisdom teeth require removal, your dentist will explain the procedure itself, the sedation options, and anticipated aftercare.

What does the extraction process entail?

We understand that getting a tooth extracted may cause anxiety and fear. The process if fairly simple, and sedation is an option for patients with severe anxiety. The area surrounding the tooth will be numbed with a local anesthetic. If you are having more than one tooth extracted, a general ana esthetic may be used. Post-extraction care includes rest, temporary restrictions on what you read and drink, and taking special care of the extraction site. Your dentist will provide you with appropriate instructions.

If you have teeth extracted, keep in mind that that changes will occur in your mouth afterward. Your dentist may give you instructions to follow after the extraction, and it's important to talk to your dentist if you have any questions or problems.